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Museum Exhibition

Jake & Dinos Chapman at the State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg


20 October 2012 - 13 January 2013

In this film, Jake and Dinos Chapman reflect on the 'anti-realism' of their epic installation End of Fun, discussing how their 'hell' could be a universal condition, rather than any specific temporal-historical place. Highlighting the very particular method of presentation within the work – which employs meticulous glass vitrines to create a sense of physical and mental displacement – the artists discuss how the work exploits the relationship between whole and part and how it employs generic and 'bankrupt' forms in extraordinarily crafted tableaux to explore contradictory themes and emotions.
Filmed at The State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg and London, UK.

'The End of Fun'
The State Hermitage Museum
St Petersburg

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30 June - 3 November 2024 | Arles, France

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