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Larry Bell Untitled 1967

Larry Bell - Untitled - 1
Larry Bell - Untitled - 2
Larry Bell - Untitled - 3
Larry Bell - Untitled - 4
Larry Bell - Untitled - 5
Larry Bell - Untitled - 6
Larry Bell - Untitled - 7
Larry Bell - Untitled - 8
Larry Bell - Untitled - 9
Larry Bell - Untitled - 10

Vacuum-coated glass with chrome-plated metal

51.4 x 51.4 x 51.4 cm | 20 1/4 x 20 1/4 x 20 1/4 in.

Pace Gallery, New York
Private collection, Detroit, Michigan
Private collection, New York
Acquired from the above by the present owner

‘Larry Bell: The Sixties’, PaceWildenstein, New York, 20 September – 22 October 2005
‘A Strong Sweet Smell of Incense: A Portrait of Robert Fraser’, Pace, London, 6 February – 28 March 2015

Brian Clarke and Harriet Vyner, A Strong Sweet Smell of Incense: A Portrait of Robert Fraser, exh. cat., Pace, London, 2015, pp.248–49, 262, illustrated

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